Tom Holste's Website


Turn your script around today! Find out the key elements that need to be addressed to make your script really come together.

Here’s what others have to say about my work:

Tom recently gave me some excellent notes on a one-hour drama spec. Tom's notes were thorough, insightful and, most importantly, honest. If you're in need of feedback on a feature or TV script, Tom is your man.” – Andrew Orillion, award-winning Army journalist


“I just had a great experience with Tom Holste that I would like to share . . . Tom recently analyzed my script and I am very pleased with his service and professionalism. Tom was very effective, honest and resourceful. His rates are very reasonable too.” – Gerard Ngwang, member of "The Table" networking group (

"Tom, thanks so much for the super analysis. I see what you're saying and I think I see what I need to fix to make [the story] clearer.

 . . . You are quick! . . . Thanks again for the great notes and an outside perspective." - Tony L. Jacobs, screenwriter



A BRIEF SYNOPSIS of your script, hitting the key points of the plot in a sentence or two, to show how to sell it to others. (For studios or production companies who don’t already know the plot of the script, a fuller plot description is also available for an additional charge. Contact me directly for more info.)

Then an OVERALL REVIEW begins, listing each of the following on a 1 to 10 scale (10 being best), followed by addressing each issue in more depth:

PREMISE: Does the story have a good hook? What would make this script most sellable to studios?

PLOT: Does the story seem original, yet accessible to a wide audience? Were there good plot twists? Do the basic plot points make sense and have a logical flow to them? Does the reader want to keep turning the pages?

CHARACTERS: Are the characters distinctive from each other? Is there a likable character to root for, and/or are the unlikable characters at least compelling?

DIALOGUE: Do the characters sound the way real people talk to each other? Is there anything particularly unique or exciting about the way your characters talk?

FORMAT: Does the script follow the proper formatting rules for the type of script it's supposed to be?

THE BASICS (MECHANICAL): Is the spelling, punctuation and spacing done accurately throughout? (This particular point trips up more screenwriters than anything else.)

THEME: What is your story about? Do you have something to say to your audience? Do you say it in a fresh and interesting way?

An OVERALL score will then also be provided, averaging the points from all the other fields. If the notes are for a studio rather than an individual, then I will also include the final verdict: SKIP, CONSIDER or RECOMMEND.

Each package includes all of the elements listed above, but greater detail and insight will be given for the bigger packages.


PROOFREADING: Simply fixing spelling, punctuation and format. No story notes. $2 per page for writing the notes on the copy; $3 per page for making the changes myself. I can make changes in Celtx, Scriptware or Word documents.

REWRITING: Complete re-writing is also available. This service is mostly intended for studios or production companies who have the money necessary to put into really turning a script around. Individuals are also welcome to submit scripts for re-writing, but know in advance that the cost is in the four figures, and it includes co-screenwriting credit and a percentage of the profits if the film goes into production. If you’re able to pay these amounts as an individual, or if you’re a studio or production company, please contact me privately for rates.


I’m a graduate of two prestigious schools, Act One: Writing for Hollywood and Trinity Christian College. I'm also a member of The Table, a very connected Hollywood networking group. I wrote script coverage for Alex Rose Productions in 2003. Recently, I began doing freelance script analysis. I can tailor my efforts to your needs. For studios, I get to the heart of whether the script is worth investing more time and effort in producing or not. For individuals, I take a more personalized approach, guiding you to making your script the best that it can be.


My rates are very competitive when compared with other script analysis services available on the web. Please contact me for further details.


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