Tom Holste's Website


Doctor Who is a BBC science fiction series that's been running on and off since 1963. The Doctor is a time-traveling alien who looks human, and who has adventures in his TARDIS that can take him anywhere in space and to any time in history (except often where he'd actually like to go).

Similar to James Bond, the Doctor is a character that has been played by different actors over time. Matt Smith currently plays the Doctor. He also frequently has human companions traveling with him. The current companions are Amy Pond (played by Karen Gillan) and Rory Williams (played by Arthur Darvill).

Doctor Who is a mix of sci-fi, action/adventure, comedy and heartfelt drama. One of the great joys of the series that the viewer never quite knows what to expect in the next episode.

This page contains links to reviews of episodes, particularly those from the current revival in 2005 to the present. Enjoy!


Note: In Season One, the Doctor is played by Christopher Eccleston, and his companion is Rose Tyler (Billie Piper).

1. Rose

2. The End of the World

3. The Unquiet Dead

4. Aliens of London (Part 1)

5. World War Three (Part 2)

6. Dalek

7. World War Three

8. Father's Day

9. The Empty Child (Part 1)

10. The Doctor Dances (Part 2)

11. Boom Town

12. Bad Wolf (Part 1)

13. Parting of the Ways (Part 2)

SEASON 2 (2005-06)

David Tennant took over the role of the Doctor starting with this season, a role he would keep until the end of 2009.

1. Children in Need Special (10 min.)

2. The Christmas Invasion

3. Attack of the Graske (10 min.)

4. New Earth

5. Tooth & Claw

6. School Reunion

7. The Girl in the Fireplace

8. Rise of the Cybermen (Part 1)

9. The Age of Steel (Part 2)

10. The Idiot's Lantern

11. The Impossible Planet (Part 1)

12. The Satan Pit (Part 2)

13. Love and Monsters

14. Fear Her

15. Army of Ghosts (Part 1)

16. Doomsday (Part 2)

SEASON THREE (2006-07)

Starting with episode 2, Freema Agyeman joins the cast as new regular Martha Jones.

1. The Runaway Bride

2. Smith & Jones

3. The Shakespeare Code

4. Gridlock

5. Daleks in Manhattan (Part 1)

6. Evolution of the Daleks (Part 2)

7. The Lazarus Experiment

8. "42"

9. Human Nature (Part 1)

10. Family of Blood (Part 2)

11. Blink

12. The Ultimate Quest (animated)

13. Utopia (Part 1)

14. The Beating of the Drums (Part 2)

15. Last of the Time Lords (Part 3)

SEASON FOUR (2007-08)

Starting with episode 3, Catherine Tate becomes the new regular companion, Donna Noble.

1. Time Crash (10-minute special)

2. Voyage of the Dammed

3. Partners in Crime

4. The Fires of Pompeii

5. Planet of the Ood

6. The Sontaran Strategem (Part 1)

7. The Poison Sky (Part 2)

8. The Doctor's Daughter

9. The Unicorn and the Wasp

10. Silence in the Library (Part 1)

11. Forest of the Dead (Part 2)

12. Midnight

13. Turn Left

14. The Stolen Earth (Part 1)

15. Journey's End (Part 2)


1. The Next Doctor

2. Planet of the Dead

3. The Waters of Mars

4. Dreamland (animated)

5. (Music of Doctor Who special)

6. The End of Time, Part 1

7. The End of Time, Part 2


Matt Smith and Karen Gillan now begin their roles as noted above.

1. The Eleventh Hour

2. (Meanwhile in the TARDIS) (10 min.)

3. The Beast Below

4. Victory of the Daleks

5. Time of the Angels (Part 1)

6. Flesh and Stone (Part 2)

7. (Meanwhile in the TARDIS) (10 min.)

8. Vampires of Venice

9. Amy's Choice

10. The Hungry Earth (Part 1)

11. Cold Blood (Part 2)

12. Vincent and the Doctor

13. The Lodger

14. The Pandorica Opens (1)

15. The Big Bang (2)

16. (Music special II)

SEASON SIX (2010-11)

1. A Christmas Carol

2. Space / Time (10 min.)

3. The Impossible Astronaut (Part 1)

3a. "Astronaut" prequel

4. Day of the Moon (Part 2)

5. Curse of the Black Spot 

5a. "Curse" prequel

6. The Doctor's Wife 

7.  The Rebel Flesh (Part 1)

8. The Almost People (Part 2)

9. A Good Man Goes to War 

9a. "Good Man" prequel

10.  Let's Kill Hitler

10a. "Hitler" prequel

11. Night Terrors 

12. The Girl Who Waited 

13. The God Complex 

14. Closing Time  

15. The Wedding of River Song

15a. "Wedding" prequel

Good Night, Bad Night, First Night, Last Night

SEASON SEVEN (2011-Present)

1. The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe


The Sarah Jane Adventures is a spinoff series on which the Doctor has guest-starred on a couple of occasions. 

The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith, Parts 1 and 2

Death of the Doctor, Parts 1 and 2

Here are my general thoughts on the other Doctor Who spinoff, Torchwood.

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